понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

data conversion contracts

Dear Diary,

Today was a rather good day

WellChristina is now in my second period PE class for summer which totallyrocks ^__^ AND she gets two more months free internet ROCK ON :D

Themath test went over rather smoothly. I suspect I will fail two compswith incompletes...perhaps four. I should definently get at least tworight. At least I have THAT much faith. The test itself was rather easythough. We all plaied Math Jeapordy which was a good review but thenwas a great realization that I wasnapos;t read to take it. I get soconfused with the shading areas and left and right pointers it drivesme mad. Greater than, less than- itapos;s all so scattered. Iapos;m sure if Itry super hard and study a bit more Iapos;ll pass But if I donapos;t its okbecause, well, itapos;s summer school Shoot I can take it and fail, thentake it at the regular year because the course is only a quarter longanyways. Then I can start D and if I finished that I can start geometrynext semester My report card also came in last night. Heres what I got:


Art Design 2:Mix: A

Algebra:Wood: C

Natural Science 1:Evans: B

Physical Ed 9:Gorham: C

Adv Intro to Lit:Young: C

Pathways to Sucess:Mohsure: B(11)


TC11( Student is a pleasure to teach)

Itapos;s not bad. Not too bad anyways. I really thought I had a B in Lit...damn I guess that state final knocked me down a bit :

Ireally loved Pathways with Mr Mohsure...it sucks. I know he isnapos;t gonnabe their next year. He was a perment sub for Tucker who took overMcCormicks consuleor job after he retired. I hate McCormick he was myconsuler and an old guy who NEEDED to retire too. Tucker is a nice guythough. I jumped from him, to Ms. Griffin to him again because I wannajoin banking and financing. Dude you get 30 college credits from it too:P

Oh well. Memories are but a day away, and only a day gone.

Icanapos;t wait to get the Harry Potter book I should see it latest in thenext two weeks My friend Medhia brought hers to school today. I got totouch it x_x I was all like "LEMMEH SEE @_X" lol she all clutched itlike I was tryinapos; to steal it XD itapos;s not really hers anyways itapos;s thelibraries -_- Oh well. Iapos;d MUCH rather own it then borrow it. OtherwiseI have tons of friends to borrow it from. And anyways I wanna take mytime reading it like I did with Goblet of Fire. Itapos;s more suspeneful toonly read so many pages a night ^_^

Anyways Iapos;m in themood to draw a Roman Dirge and Jhonen Vasquez tribute. Iapos;ll do theRoman Dirge tommarow and then Iapos;ll draw Aimee, a story character ofmine. Oh shit I have till next Monday to enter the guild contest onNeopets. I hardly ever go there cause Iapos;m too lazy. But neah. I enterbecause Mindy ask me too. So I go now

Oh wait, I foundthis really cool thing on the ground. Itapos;s a cross made with bent nailsand twisted wires. Itapos; looks really old and REALLY cool. It almostlooks like an ank. Anyways pleasant something


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